Sunday, January 17, 2010

Quick things

While driving to class today, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. It said " I'll keep safety in mind." I laughed so hard. While I know what they mean, all I could think of is "Well, I'll consider it, but I doubt I'll go through with it" which amuses me in that most Japanese drivers are NOT very safe.

Also, I've gotten sushi in packages here twice, and I've seen them at the store tons of times. Not ONCE do they have wasabi in the packages. Sure, maybe more people here have wasabi at home, but if they're getting it to run, would they have wasabi in their cars? WHY can't America LEAVE OUT THE DAMN WASABI??? Especially since the wasabi is MUCH more overkill at home.

So, I'm through volume 6 of Conan, on to reading the rest... being 49 more volumes that I have here... ^_^;;; Ah well. Hope everyone else is doing well, I'll post more pictures at some point ^_^

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